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How to Make Your Own Flowerbed Mulch

Mulching is a time-tested gardening practice to add nutrients to the soil, help water retention, prevent weeds and regulate soil temperature. Flowerbed mulches should be well-chipped so that the mulch looks attractive and serves its purpose. Avoid using hay and straw; they are prone to weed seeds that are detrimental to flowerbeds. For a purely aesthetic mulch without the added nutrients, small pebbles are ideal. Otherwise, a chipped combination of organic matter is a nutrient-rich, attractive mulch for flowerbeds.

Things You'll Need

  • Organic garden scraps
  • Garden chipper
  • Safety wear
  • Rake
  • Black plastic (optional)
  • Bricks (optional)
  • Wheelbarrow
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    • 1

      Collect organic garden scraps such as leaves, bark, twigs and grass clippings in a pile in an out-of-the-way part of the garden.

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      Feed the garden scraps through the chipper while wearing protective items such as goggles, a mask and gloves. Follow the instructions from the chipper manufacturer on safe-practice chipping.

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      Rake the chipped garden scraps into a pile. Allow the mulch to decompose for a week or two before applying it to the flowerbed, if desired, and cover the pile with a sheet of black plastic held down at the sides with bricks. Turn the mulch every second day to aerate it.

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      Fill a wheelbarrow with the mulch (either fresh or slightly decomposed) and wheel it to the flowerbeds. Spread a 2-inch-thick layer of mulch on the flowerbeds. The mulch will decompose further over time, adding nutrients to the soil. Reapply mulch as necessary.