Home Garden

How Do I Get a Rose Bloom to Open?

If you're buying or clipping some of your own roses for a special event, the need may arise to accelerate their blooms so that the flowers appear at their best. There are several ways to accomplish this. Choose a type of rose that can be forced to open within the needed time frame. Forcing the flowers to open also will accelerate the rate at which they will perish. Don't force bloom roses unless it's absolutely necessary.

Things You'll Need

  • Scissors
  • Vase
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  1. Steam Method

    • 1

      Cut the rose stems, using sharp, clean scissors. The shorter the stems are, the larger the bloom will open. Place the roses in a vase filled with warm water. This will encourage the flowers to bloom. Place them in the center of the bathroom on a stable counter or on the floor.

    • 2

      Turn the water on in a shower and adjust the water to be as hot as possible.

    • 3

      Open the shower curtain or door.

    • 4

      Close the bathroom door and put a towel underneath the door. The steam from the shower will heat the room and force the flowers to bloom.

    • 5

      Let the roses sit for five minutes before placing them in a warm area of the home in direct sunlight. Leave them there until they bloom.

    • 6

      Replace the warm water with ice water once the rose blooms to your satisfaction. This will help preserve it and prevent it from wilting.

    Mechanical Method

    • 7

      Mechanically open the rose petals by sticking your fingers between the petals and pushing them down. Do this gently until the flower is opening and bloomed.

    • 8

      Make a fresh cut on the bottom of the stem.

    • 9

      Place the flower in cold ice water to preserve it.