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Ideas for Refinishing a Kitchen Table

If your kitchen table has seen better days, or you just want a new look, save yourself some cash by refinishing the table yourself. The amount of material you'll need to do the job will depend on how you plan to do it, as well as the table's size. There are a variety of options available.
  1. Stain It

    • If you're looking for a natural look, and you have a kitchen table that's solid wood, stain it. Strip the wood of any paint or stain. Then, sand the surface using a hand sander to smooth it out and remove any leftover stain or other surface applications. Once everything's gone, stain the surface with a wood stain of your choice. You can purchase a wide range of stain colors at most home-improvement stores, or for a more unusual look, mix your own stain from two or more colors from the same brand. After the stain has dried, apply a coat or two of sealant to keep the wood from getting food stains. Remember that the finished color of your completed project will depend on a wide range of factors, including how thickly you apply the stain and the type of wood from which your table is made. In some cases, you may have to take your table apart before sanding to remove all old stain or paint.

    Paint It

    • Whether your table is wood, veneer, metal or something else entirely, you can paint it to give it a brand new look. Apply a coat or two of paint in a color you like all over, or give your table a more elaborate look by using a faux paint technique. Make your table look like a different material, such as leather, stone, marble or wood, or add a historic look to your kitchen by distressing or antiquing the piece.

    Tile It

    • For a solid, easy-to-clean surface, tile your table. You can apply tiles to the top of your table or all over, depending on the structure of the table. Use a basic ceramic tile in your favorite color. Give your table a natural look by using stone, such as slate, or create a high-end factor by using solid granite tiles to cover the surface. Want a more unusual look? Scavenge flea markets, used-building-supply stores and garage sales for historic tiles to use as a focal point or detail for your kitchen table. Some tiles, such as stone tiles, will require an application of sealant once the grout has dried to keep the tile from staining over time.