Home Garden

Ideas for Homemade Kitchen Tables

The table is the centerpiece of many kitchens because it can serve multiple functions. It's a meal prep station when the counters are cluttered, a place to sit and do homework, a temporary drop for mail and keys, a relaxation spot and a place to eat meals, especially if you don't have a dining room. When making your own kitchen table, use sturdy materials and design a table suited to your creative skills.
  1. Trimmed Door

    • Antique doors are sometimes smaller than modern doors -- perfect for a modestly sized kitchen.

      Fashion a homey, quirky kitchen table from a wooden door. Trim it shorter if necessary to fit in your kitchen, then sand off any varnish and old paint and apply new paint if desired. As an alternative, cover the door with a collage using magazine photos, newspaper pictures or antique paper ephemera affixed with decoupage paste. Finish the door-table surface with a layer of heavy-duty lacquer to protect it from inevitable scratches. Screw in a set of wooden table legs.

    Wall-Mounted Shelf

    • Standard knickknack shelves may not be sturdy enough to serve as a kitchen table.

      Make a small space in the kitchen surprisingly functional by installing a shelf jutting from the wall at about waist height, making a sort of cafe-style kitchen table. You will want an extra-wide shelf for maximum functionality. Paint or refinish the shelf to match your kitchen. Select sturdy shelf supports that will not collapse if someone leans elbows on the table at dinner or slumps half-asleep over a bowl of cereal.

    Wooden Table

    • Wood is a classic kitchen table surface.

      Handcraft a kitchen table from recycled wood to demonstrate both your commitment to environmentalism and your impressive woodworking skills. This project is best if you are already a woodworker. Source the wood from somewhere one-of-a-kind, such as a relative's barn that was torn down, a set of wine barrels or an old wooden sign. Cut, nail and sand the table to meet the style and size needs of your home. Wooden tables are classic and functional in kitchens because wood is a durable and attractive surface.

    Metal Table

    • Alternately, combine a metal base with butcher block or glass as the tabletop.

      Make a metal table if you have a yen for sculpting with an acetylene torch and a hunk of metal. A talented metal sculptor could craft an amazing table, complete with feather-like projections sprouting out of the legs or a tabletop shaped like the state in which you live. Once you are satisfied with the sturdiness and artistry of the metal base, transport it to your kitchen and top it with a round piece of thick glass with smooth edges. Such a table is best suited to a household without children.