Home Garden

How to Stain Cedar Furniture

Cedar is a natural choice for outdoor furniture. The oils that occur naturally in cedar make it resistant to mildew and insects. Cedar ages beautifully over time and many people prefer to apply a clear coat of sealer or oil to their cedar and allow it to weather to its natural silver-gray color. Other homeowners would rather preserve the color of freshly sanded cedar. This can be accomplished with a coat of stain.

Things You'll Need

  • Hose
  • Sandpaper
  • Rags
  • Stain
  • Paintbrush
  • Towel
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      Place your furniture in the middle of the yard or driveway. Turn your hose nozzle on its highest pressure setting. Spray the furniture to remove all dirt and debris. Allow the furniture to dry completely in a sunny spot.

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      Sand the furniture. If the furniture is new, a light sanding will be sufficient. If the furniture is older and weathered, sand until you are left with bare wood. Bare wood will be a rich honey color. Use medium-grit sandpaper to reveal the bare wood.

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      Dip a towel in clean water. Wring out the towel until it is just damp. Wipe away all of the sanding dust from the furniture. Any sanding dust left on the furniture will stick to the stain and mar the finish.

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      Saturate a paintbrush with stain. Use a semi-transparent stain with UV protection. Apply the stain with a brush. Wipe away the excess stain with a clean rag. Paint on a thin coat of stain. You can always deepen the color later with more stain if necessary. Allow the stain to dry.

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      Apply additional coats of stain as necessary to achieve a color you like.