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How to Stain Baby Furniture

Many parents want their baby's furniture to be stylish and one-of-a-kind. One technique you can employ to make this possible is staining. Unlike painting, staining adds color to wood without removing its signature wood grain. Stains are available in a variety of colors, including greens and blues, as well as the more traditional brown tones. Whether you want to add color to a crib or a rocking chair, staining is a simple way to do so.

Things You'll Need

  • Sandpaper
  • Paintbrush
  • Stain
  • Cloth
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      Sand the piece of furniture to remove any existing paint and smooth out any flaws. Rub the sandpaper back and forth on the furniture and rub with the grain. Use 220-grit sandpaper on unfinished furniture. Painted furniture may require coarser paper.

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      Brush the wood residue off the furniture with a tack cloth. If you leave the sanding residue on the furniture, it will affect the appearance of the final project.

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      Dip a paint brush into the can of stain. Remove any excess stain from the brush by rubbing against the rim of the paint can. Brush the stain onto the furniture in smooth, even layers, just as you would when painting. Use different sized brushes to get to hard-to-reach areas.

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      Use a cloth to wipe off excess stain after allowing the furniture to sit for about five minutes. Avoid touching the furniture for a few hours to let it dry. Apply a second coat of stain to the furniture if you desire a darker color.