Home Garden

The Best Way to Clean Plastic Outdoor Furniture

Outdoor furniture is used for lounging, relaxing and entertaining outdoors. Plastic outdoor furniture is very popular, since it is inexpensive, durable and simple to maintain. The furniture can be moved easily and used in a backyard, on a deck or beside a pool. However, plastic furniture can become dirty with dust, grime and body oils. Dirty plastic lawn furniture is unattractive to look at and unpleasant to sit on. Fortunately, plastic outdoor furniture can be cleaned quickly with simple cleaning solutions.

Things You'll Need

  • Cleaning bucket
  • Hot water
  • Liquid dish detergent
  • Clean sponge
  • Garden hose
  • Clean rag
  • White distilled vinegar
  • Clean towel
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      Fill a cleaning bucket with hot water. While you are filling up the bucket with water, add three squirts of liquid dish detergent to the water.

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      Dip a clean sponge into the soapy solution. Scrub the plastic furniture with the sponge.

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      Rinse the sponge with water from a garden hose, once the sponge becomes dirty. Continue washing the furniture with the soapy solution.

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      Inspect the plastic furniture for remaining stains. If some dirt stains still remain, scrub the stains with a clean rag dampened with white distilled vinegar.

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      Spray the plastic furniture with water from the garden hose to rinse off remaining dirt, soap and vinegar. Dry off the furniture with a clean towel.