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How to Clean Deck Furniture

Deck furniture is constantly exposed to the elements and the indiscriminate bathroom habits of birds and other wildlife, requiring regular cleaning. How you clean the furniture, however, will vary slightly according to the material from which it's made. You cannot clean wood furniture in the same manner you would wrought-iron or plastic furniture. Fortunately, all of the cleaning methods are quite simple.

Things You'll Need

  • Wrought Iron/Other Metal:
  • Bucket
  • Liquid dish detergent
  • Sponge or scrub brush
  • Wire brush or sandpaper (if needed)
  • Primer (if needed)
  • Metal paint (if needed)
  • Wood:
  • Ammonia
  • White vinegar
  • Soft-bristle scrub brush
  • Plastic/Resin:
  • Sponge
  • Baking soda
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  1. Wrought Iron/Other Metal

    • 1

      Fill a bucket with warm water and a squirt of liquid dish detergent.

    • 2

      Dip a sponge or scrub brush into the bucket of warm, soapy water. Scrub the furniture. Clean the entire surface of the furniture, including between any crevices and detail work.

    • 3

      Rinse the furniture with clean water and allow to air-dry.

    • 4

      Inspect the furniture. Remove any rust with a wire brush. If you don't have a wire brush, sandpaper will suffice. Continue until the rust is gone and you can see bare metal.

    • 5

      Spray the area that was rusted with primer. This will seal the metal, thus preventing future rust. Wait for the primer to dry, then paint the furniture with matching paint designed for metal/iron.


    • 6

      Pour 1/4 cup ammonia and 2 tbsp. white vinegar into a bucket, then add approximately 1 quart water. If necessary, double the mixture to make more.

    • 7

      Dip a soft-bristle scrub brush into the cleaning solution. Scrub the wood of the furniture, thoroughly washing the entire surface of the deck furniture.

    • 8

      Rinse the furniture with clean water and allow to air-dry.


    • 9

      Fill a bucket with warm water. Dip a clean sponge into the water and squeeze to wring out excess water.

    • 10

      Pour a small amount of baking soda directly onto the wet sponge, then scrub the plastic or resin furniture. Because it is a mild abrasive, the baking soda helps strip away grime that has accumulated.

    • 11

      Rinse the furniture with clean water and allow to air-dry.