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Homemade Outdoor Patio Chairs

Furnishing an outdoor patio can sometimes be a daunting experience. Don't let the vast assortment of garden furniture on the market overwhelm you. Construct simple, yet attractive wooden chairs for your patio that are truly distinctive. Wooden patio chairs provide a sturdy and durable alternative to plastic varieties. Make several and place a table in between for a comfortable gathering area.

Things You'll Need

  • 2-by-4-inch pine, 10 linear feet
  • Measuring tape
  • Circular saw
  • Wood glue
  • Wood screws
  • Drill
  • ¾-by-2-inch pine, 30 linear feet
  • Level
  • Sandpaper
  • 1½-by-2-inch pine, 6 linear feet
  • Wood filler
  • Outdoor wood paint or stain
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  1. Frame

    • 1

      Cut two lengths of 2-by-4-inch pine, each measuring 37 inches long. These are the back legs of the chair. Measure 16 inches from the bottom of each leg and mark the location. Cut a slot on the leg at the mark made, ¾-inch deep and 2 inches wide, with a circular saw. Cut two more lengths of 2-by-4-inch pine, measuring 18 inches long. These are the front legs of the chair.

    • 2

      Cut a front rail from ¾-by-2-inch pine, measuring 15½ inches long. Cut a 45-degree angle on each end of the rail, in opposite directions. The angles should be cut into the 2-inch width. Cut two side rails from ¾-by-2-inch pine, measuring 16 inches long. Cut a 45-degree angle at one end of each side rail. Cut a back rail from ¾-by-2-inch pine, measuring 15½ inches long.

    • 3

      Arrange the four rails on a flat working surface, to form a square. The angles cut at the ends of the boards should match up to form a tight-fitting square. Glue the meeting locations together, then secure them with wood screws. This square frame is the base for the seat of the chair.

    • 4

      Place a small amount of wood glue inside the slot of one of the back legs. Place a back corner of the square frame inside the slot of the leg. Adjust the leg so that it is in line with the back of the frame, then screw in place. Repeat with the opposite back leg.

    • 5

      Place one of the front legs of the chair over the front board on the square frame. Arrange the leg so it is even with the side of the frame. Glue, then screw the board into place. Repeat for the opposite front leg.

    • 6

      Cut two lengths of ½ inch-by-2-inch pine, measuring 13½ inches each. These will be the side braces for the chair. Cut a third brace from ½-by-2-inch pine, measuring 14 inches long.

    • 7

      Slide one of the side braces in between the left front and left back legs. Slide the board up so it is about 7 inches from the bottom of the legs, then screw in place. Repeat this process on the opposite side for the second leg brace. Slide the middle brace horizontally between the side braces. Adjust the middle brace until level, then screw in place.

    • 8

      Set the structure up on its legs on a flat surface. Check to see if the seat frame of the chair is even; if not, sand the bottom of the legs gently. This completes the frame for the entire chair.

    Back and Seat

    • 9

      Cut 12 long slats from ¾-by-2-inch pine, measuring 18 inches long. These slats will complete the back and seat of the chair.

    • 10

      Position the first slat across the tops of both back legs. Adjust the slat until it is even at the top, then glue it in place. After gluing, secure the slat in place with a wood screw at each end. Install 4 more slats below the first. Leave a ½-inch space between each one. This will form the back of the chair.

    • 11

      Place the first of the seven remaining slats across the front of the chair seat frame. Center the slat on the frame from side to side. Be sure that it is level. Glue and screw the slat into place. Install the remaining six seat slats next to the first, in the same manner. Leave a 3/8-inch space between each slat.


    • 12

      Sand the entire chair carefully, using medium-grade sandpaper.

    • 13

      Fill any cracks and screw holes in wood with wood filler.

    • 14

      Apply a wood stain to the chair with a paintbrush. Apply a second coat of stain after the first one dries. This will protect the chair from weather and give it a more finished look. Allow the second coat to dry before using the chair.