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DIY Paint Red for an Oriental Cabinet

The color red plays a significant role in several Asian cultures. In China, red is associated with good fortune, prosperity and is featured prominently on decorations for Chinese New Year. Japanese culture associates the color red with love and the sun. Create your own red paint for an oriental cabinet with casein, an ingredient in milk. Plan to use the paint as soon as it is made.

Things You'll Need

  • 2 cups vinegar
  • 1 gallon skim milk
  • Bucket
  • Wooden spoon
  • Colander
  • Cheesecloth
  • Paint bucket
  • Plastic or glass container, 3-cup capacity
  • 3/4 cup hydrated lime powder
  • Plastic container
  • Red dry color pigment
  • Paintbrush or roller
  • Paint tray (optional)
  • Stir stick
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    • 1

      Allow 1 gallon of skim milk to sit out until it is room temperature. Do not use whole milk or milk substitutes. Pour it into a bucket. Pour 2 cups of vinegar into the milk. Mix well with a wooden spoon.

    • 2

      Allow the mixture to sit in a warm place overnight. During this time, the vinegar will separate the skim milk into curds and whey.

    • 3

      Place a colander lined with cheesecloth into the sink. Pour the curds and whey mixture into it. Allow the whey to drain off. Rinse the curds with cool water to wash off the whey. Transfer the chunky curds into a paint bucket. Break up any larger curds with a wooden spoon.

    • 4

      Carefully pour the lime powder in a plastic or glass container that will hold up to 3 cups. Do not use a metal container. Take care not to inhale the dust or get it on your hands or in your eyes. Very slowly pour 1 1/2 cups of water into the lime and stir it to make a paste.

    • 5

      Add 3 tbsp. of red dry color pigment to a plastic container and mix with 3 tbsp. of water to form a paste.

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      Mix the lime paste into the curds thoroughly. The curds should dissolve easily. If some do not, let the mixture sit about 20 minutes to allow the lime paste to break down the curds.

    • 7

      Add the red pigment and stir to incorporate it. If it is not yet your desired shade, mix 1 tbsp. of pigment with 1 tbsp. of water and keep adding the pigment in those proportions until you achieve the desired shade.

    • 8

      Strain the paint through cheesecloth again to eliminate any undissolved pieces of curd.

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      Apply the mixture to the oriental cabinet with a paintbrush or roller as you would with any other paint. Be sure to stir the paint often as you apply the paint. Allow the milk paint to dry before applying any additional coats.