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How to Build a Bathroom Tower

The bathroom is the perfect place to add a storage cabinet because the many items needed for grooming and personal care will not all fit under the sink. A bathroom tower is a narrow cabinet and shelf hybrid created to hide extra rolls of toilet paper and sanitary items and make daily used items such as toothpaste and deodorant easily accessible. Building your own bathroom tower allows you the freedom of deciding how many doors and open spaces the tower needs for your toiletry items.

Things You'll Need

  • 60-by-6-by-1-inch pine boards, 2
  • 10-by-6-by-1-inch pine boards, 2
  • 12-by-2-by-1-inch pine boards, 2
  • 60-by-10-by-1/4-inch plywood sheet
  • 5-by-10-by-1-inch pine boards, 2
  • 5-by-12-by-1-inch pine boards, 2
  • Red marker
  • Straight edge
  • Table saw
  • 1/4-inch dado blade
  • Cordless drill and screw bit
  • Tape measure
  • Router
  • Round router bit
  • 2-inch wood screws
  • 8 small hinges
  • 1/2-inch wood screws
  • 4 small brass knobs
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    • 1

      Mark one end of two 60-by-6-by-1-inch boards for the sides and one 10-inch end of a 60-by-10-by-1/4-inch plywood sheet for the back with a red marker. The end with the mark will be the top of the bathroom tower.

    • 2

      Cut a 1/4-inch dado into one 60-inch edge of the side boards with the 1/4-inch dado blade and a table saw.

    • 3

      Cut dadoes across the 6-inch sides of the two side boards using the dado blade and the table saw. Mark the six dadoes to be cut measured from the top at 2 inches, 12 inches, 22 inches, 32 inches, 44 inches, and 58 inches.

    • 4

      Insert the back into the 60-inch dadoes on the side boards. Secure the back to the side boards with 2-inch wood screws placed at 3-inch intervals starting 1/2-inch from the top using a cordless drill.

    • 5

      Drip wood glue into all six sets of dadoes along the inside of the bathroom tower. Insert a 10-by-6-by-1-inch pine board into each set of dadoes.

    • 6

      Attach two small hinges to one edge each of the two 5-by-10-by-1-inch pine boards and two 5-by-12-by-1-inch pine boards using 1/2-inch wood screws and a cordless drill to make four cabinet doors. Set the hinges at two inches in from both ends of the board.

    • 7

      Attach the two 10-inch cabinet doors to the first 10-inch section, which is the second section on the tower, by screwing the hinges to the side boards with 1/2-inch wood screws.

    • 8

      Attach the two 12-inch cabinet doors to the bottom section of the bathroom tower by screwing the hinges to the side boards with 1/2-inch wood screws.

    • 9

      Attach a 12-by-2-by-1-inch pine board, the facing, to the top front and bottom front of the bathroom tower using a 2-inch wood screw in each corner two inches from the end. Use a router to round the top facing around the top and side edges.