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The Different Ways You Can Use Mattress Pads

Over time, a variety of matter can infiltrate the inside of a mattress, including dust, liquids and even small insects. Mattress pads are made to protect mattresses from these invaders. The pads may be used in a number of different ways, depending upon the needs of the mattress owner.
  1. Bed-Wetting

    • If you care for a child or an elderly person who experiences occasional bed-wetting, a vinyl mattress pad offers one form of protection. The vinyl cover prevents urine from passing through to the mattress, which prevents the mattress from becoming soiled. If a person wets the bed, instead of attempting to clean the mattress and having to wait until the mattress dries before returning the bed clothes to the bed, the bed clothes may simply be washed and the surface of the vinyl mattress pad wiped clean.

    Dust and Bugs

    • Vinyl mattress pads keep out more than urine and other liquids. The vinyl material also has the ability to keep out dust mites and bed bugs. This makes vinyl mattress pads beneficial for anyone who suffers from dust allergies. If you live in an area where bed bug infestations have been an issue, covering the mattress with a vinyl mattress pad is a good preemptive measure. Choose a vinyl pad that encloses the mattress completely and zips together, to make sure that bed bugs have no access to the mattress.


    • Some mattress pads are made entirely for comfort. These pads are generally made of soft fabric, such as cotton, and have sewn-in padding. When placed on top of a mattress, the cushioned pad softens the bed’s surface, providing a less expensive alternative to replacing a hard mattress. Cushioned mattress pads are generally included with foam mattress packages. The foam is positioned directly on top of the mattress and the mattress pad goes over the top of the foam to hold the foam in place and provide additional padding.


    • When you store a mattress for later use, you should always cover the mattress to prevent it from getting dusty and dirty while in storage. Either a vinyl or fabric mattress pad can keep a stored mattress clean. To ensure that insects do not get into the mattress while it is in storage, a vinyl pad offers the most thorough protection and should be used when storing a mattress in exterior buildings, such as in a storage shed or garage.