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How to Make a Baby's High Chair

Learning how to make a baby's high chair is fairly simple to those who have woodworking experience, and can remain only moderately challenging to those who have never worked on a building project before. Making your own baby highchair ensures the quality and safety you desire, while creating a family heirloom for generations to come. Follow the steps below to make a wood high chair you'll be proud of.

Things You'll Need

  • 24 linear feet of ¾" by 1/8" framing stock
  • 4 feet of oak wood
  • Jig saw
  • Sandpaper
  • 4 cross braces
  • 4 clamps
  • Wood glue
  • No. 8 Phillips head screws (one dozen)
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    • 1

      Measure the height from the floor to the underside of your kitchen or dining room table. This will help you know what height to make the high chair so it slides comfortably under the table so baby can eat with the family.

    • 2

      Cut a ¼" by ¾" wide mortise to make side frames. A mortise is an open cavity in the wood. Relieve (otherwise known as offsetting) the top of the slot at 1/32" to achieve the angled slant found in high chairs. You can do this easily by tilting your saw 7 degrees off the perpendicular angle.

    • 3

      Cut a square seat out at your desired width. This will depend on the size of the baby using it and how much growing room you want to allow.

    • 4

      Glue the side frames to the seat, using clamps to maintain a strong bond while waiting for the glue to dry and take over.

    • 5

      Round all edges with a router or a jigsaw so little fingers (and adult ones too) do not sustain splinters or other common injuries.

    • 6

      Cut out a seat back around the same size in the shape of a polygon. You can do this by setting your table saw at 83 degrees. Shape the top into an arc, curve or similar shape you desire. Again, sand away any sharp or fragmented edges.

    • 7

      Clamp together all pieces and countersink your screws into each joint of the high chair.
      Finish off by adding wood carved designs, decals and a fabric seat belt if you wish.