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Different Style Bunk Beds

There are five main types of bunk beds, to fit both smaller and larger kids' rooms. Some are even made to accommodate an extra child. Often, the layout of the room and the purpose of the bed will help to determine the best style to opt for.
  1. Standard

    • Standard bunk beds feature two twin beds, with one stacked over the other. The person sleeping on top climbs up the side of the bed, or in some designs made for small children, up a ladder.


    • Stackable bunk beds can be used like a standard bunk bed, or they can be taken apart to create two separate twin beds.


    • A loft bed is like a single bed on stilts, according to Mybunkbeds.com. A desk or other furniture can be placed underneath, or the space beneath it can be used for storage.


    • An L-shaped loft bed includes a loft bed with a lower bed positioned beneath it at a right angle. A dresser or other furniture may also fit beneath the loft bed.

    Twin Over Full

    • A twin-over-full bed includes a twin bunk on top and a full bed beneath. It can maximize the space in a guest room, accommodating several smaller children or a small family.


    • Triple bunk beds accommodate three people in three separate bunks. They allow for very little space between each bed, but they can free up a good deal of space in a room.