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How to Build Unique Bunk Beds

It seems like most bunk beds come from the same basic mold, even when they're built by different manufacturers from different companies. However, you can make your own bunk beds or modify an existing bunk bed set to tailor it for your children's tastes and needs. How extensive and ornate the design will depend on what you and your children want, as well as your budget and personal ability for do-it-yourself projects.

Things You'll Need

  • 1/2-inch plywood
  • Power saw
  • Sandpaper
  • Paint and painting supplies
  • Wood screws or clamps
  • Power drill with screwdriver bits
  • Crown molding, wood paneling and/or drywall
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    • 1

      Add a personal touch with decorative plates. Cut a sheet of 1/2-inch plywood to match one or more ends or sides of the bunk bed, using a power saw. Paint and decorate the sheet as you like. If you're not artistically inclined, you can project an image onto the plywood using a computer-attached projector, then trace and color to match the image. When you've finished the plate, attach it to the frame using wood screws or clamps.

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      Make access exciting by replacing the ladder with something a bit more interesting. Some examples include running a cargo web from the top bunk to the floor, or attaching a playground slide to one end. Older kids might be able to manage a fireman's pole. Make sure to follow installation instructions and safety guidelines for these attachments to the letter.

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      Make themed end frames for the bunk bed, perhaps resembling a bus, ship or space shuttle. You can buy plans for this kind of bed, or design them on your own. This kind of plan requires significantly more experience and expertise than some other ideas in this article, but if you have the skills it can be one of the most fun and exciting.

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      Consider adding accessories, such as a bookcase or writing desk, to the bunk beds. Depending on what you want to add, these can go on the end plates or become part of the bunks themselves. A personalized storage area for each bunk is another possibility.

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      Frame the bunk bed against the wall using crown molding, wood paneling and/or drywall. This will give the furniture the feel of a built-in component. As with the themed end frames, this option requires experience and expertise. If you love the concept but lack the skills, you can hire a professional to put on the built-in finish.