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How to Restore a Leather Finish

When leather is new, it has a rich, smooth appearance. Over time, the leather will begin to fade in spots where it is repeatedly worn. The color will appear uneven, with light streaks appearing throughout the leather. This often happens to leather furniture, such as on the seats or armrests of couches or chairs, or leather jackets at the crease of the arm. Fortunately, a worn leather finish can be restored to an almost-new appearance with the right materials.

Things You'll Need

  • Leather cleaner
  • Cloths
  • Leather recoloring balm
  • Leather protection cream
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      Apply a leather cleaner to a clean rag. Wipe the entire surface of the leather item to be cleaned. This not only removes surface dirt, but it opens the pores in the material, allowing the recoloring balm to work more effectively.

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      Select a recoloring balm in the appropriate shade. Visit your local home supply store to find the right match. The shades usually come in a few basic colors and can fit a range of shades in that color family.

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      Apply the balm to a clean cloth. Beginning at the top of the item to be restored, rub the cloth in a circular pattern. This will work the color into the leather. As the color seeps into the pores, the streaks will disappear and the color will be restored. Add additional amounts of balm to the cloth, as necessary.

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      Buff the leather surface with a clean cloth once the entire item has been covered with the balm. Continue buffing until there is no longer a color transfer between the item and the cloth. The buffing will create a smooth, even appearance.

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      Apply a leather cream to protect your leather item against further wear and fading.