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How to Repair a Tear in a Vinyl Couch

Vinyl is a popular fabric used in making furniture. Made of ethenyl and chlorine, it is a plastic that requires little maintenance. However, vinyl is subject to tears, especially if used frequently. This can be fixed with a matching piece of vinyl. This patch can be cut from excess fabric under the couch, if any, or from vinyl fabric purchased from a fabric store. With enough care, it is possible to mend tears, burns and cuts on vinyl chairs so that they seem invisible.

Things You'll Need

  • Vinyl fabric
  • Vinyl adhesive
  • Scissors
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    • 1

      Cut a piece of vinyl that is larger than the length and width of the tear by about an inch.

    • 2

      Tuck this piece of vinyl into the hole. Flatten so it lies smoothly against the tear. Do this gently to avoid enlarging the tear. The finished side of the patch should face the tear.

    • 3

      Lift the edges of the tear gently and apply the vinyl adhesive. Apply the adhesive also to the edges of the vinyl patch.

    • 4

      Pull the edges of the tear together as much as possible, then press it down onto the vinyl patch so they stick together.

    • 5

      Let the adhesive dry for at least 24 hours.