Home Garden

How to Dye Sofas

You received a lovely new couch from your mother-in-law, but it does not match your living room. Fortunately, it is possible to dye a sofa if the upholstery is removable and made from the right type of fabric. Cotton and hemp canvases are good for dyeing, while polyester, polypropylene, suede and acrylic are almost impossible. Another alternative is to purchase a white slipcover and dye it to the preferred shade, going through the same process to dye upholstery. Any dye from high-quality fabric reactive dyes to all-purpose versions will do the trick.

Things You'll Need

  • Slipcover or sofa upholstery
  • Dye
  • Water
  • Sink
  • 18 gallon plastic storage bin
  • Clothesline
  • Old newspapers
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    • 1

      Place garbage bags underneath your work area to prevent from staining the floor.

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      Mix the dye with water in a plastic storage tub, according to the specific instructions on the dye box.

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      Remove the upholstery from your sofa and dip it into the dye solution. Leave the upholstery in the dye for about two hours, again depending on the instructions on the box.

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      Take the upholstery out and rinse it in the sink with cold water until it runs clear. Wring it out to get rid of all the excessive water.

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      Hang the upholstery up to dry outside or in the basement, and put newspaper underneath to catch any excess water. Check to see if it is completely dry in a day or so, depending on the climate.

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      Attach the upholstery back onto your sofa.