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How to Make a Woven Chair

A woven chair is a chair that's seat features an over and under pattern. Typically this technique is used on wooden, straight back chairs or stools. The seat of the chair is often woven with cotton, nylon or leather upholstery strips. The weaving technique is relatively simple and can help to give an old chair found at a flea market or garage sale a fresh look.

Things You'll Need

  • Cotton, nylon or leather upholstery strips (approximately 2-inches wide)
  • Wooden chair or stool
  • Staple gun
  • Staples
  • Decorative upholstery nails
  • Rubber mallot or hammer
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    • 1

      Measure the width of the chair seat.

    • 2

      Cut an upholstery strip (cotton, leather or nylon) that is 2 inches longer than the width of the chair seat.

    • 3

      Start 1 inch in from the front of the seat and evenly place the strip on the chair seat with the edges hanging over each side of the seat.

    • 4

      Fold the raw ends of the strip under and cleanly staple to the side of the seat frame.

    • 5

      Cut and staple another strip of the same size parallel to the first one. Repeat the process until you are 1 inch from the back of the seat frame.

    • 6

      Start working on the chair length by cutting an upholstery strip of the same material that is 2 inches longer than the length of the chair seat.

    • 7

      Lay the fabric across the length of the chair 1 inch from the left side, with the edges hanging over the front and the back of the chair.

    • 8

      Fold the raw end of the front of the strip under and staple to the front seat frame. Then work your way to the back of the chair seat, weaving under and over the existing upholstery strips. When you reach the back of the seat, fold the raw edge under and staple to the back seat frame.

    • 9

      Repeat the process to cover the length of the chair until you are 1 inch from the right side of the seat frame.

    • 10

      Conceal the staples one-by-one with upholstery nails. Upholstery nails are decorative nails that can typically be found at arts and craft stores. Carefully hammer in the nails with a rubber mallot or light hammer tap for a clean look.