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How to Install Liftco Bunk Beds

Installing Liftco bunk beds is an excellent afternoon project that goes fairly quickly with the help of at least one good assistant. Liftco beds in particular are made with high quality for long-term use. These beds come mostly pre-installed, with only some basic connections remaining for the total installation of the beds. Though the product comes with the basic Allen wrench necessary for installation, your personal Allen wrench may provide a more comfortable and quick installation if it has a larger hand grip and more torque.

Things You'll Need

  • Allen wrench
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    • 1

      Read through the assembly instructions prior to beginning the project. Go through the parts list step by step and find each relevant part amongst the packaging. Call your furniture retailer or the manufacturer if necessary to order any missing or broken pieces prior to beginning installation, thus saving yourself future stress due to a missing piece at a crucial moment.

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      Stand up the pre-assembled headboard and footboard with the help of an assistant and position the side boards between them. Set the included nuts in the recessed holes in the side boards with the nut holes open toward the headboard or footboard. Thread the included bolts through the headboard and footboard and into the nut holes. Tighten the bolts in place using an Allen wrench. Repeat to attach all the bolts in the headboard and footboard.

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      Set the mattress boards on top of the side boards so that they fit into their grooved position. Set the nuts into the recessed holes in the side boards and pass the bolts down through the tops of the mattress boards. Tighten these bolts using an Allen wrench.

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      Repeat these steps to build the upper bunk for the bunk bed. Position the railings parallel to the side boards but a few inches higher so they line up with the predrilled holes. Set nuts in the recessed holes and pass bolts through the headboard and footboard into the nuts. Tighten them with an Allen wrench.

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      Set a metal peg in the top hole of each of the bottom bunks four posts. Lift the upper bunk with the help of an assistant and line up the bottom of the upper bunk's four posts with the top of the metal pegs. Lower them onto the pegs so that the pegs are completely covered by the holes in the upper and lower bunks. Move the upper bunk back and forth a little while still holding on to test the secure installation.

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      Attach a ladder if necessary by positioning it against the upper bunk side board. Set the nuts in the recessed holes in the side board and slide the bolts through the ladder and into the nuts. Tighten them securely to attach the ladder.