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How to Make a Queen-Size Headboard Into a Double

Fixing a queen-sized headboard to work with a double box spring and mattress isn't a matter of adjusting the headboard. It all has to do with the size of the rails that hold the mattress and box spring, and how they fit against the headboard. A queen headboard is generally between 60 and 65 inches wide, while a double-bed box spring and mattress combination is 53 inches wide. Use headboard adapter brackets, which can give you up to 10 inches of rail width, to connect the smaller bed rails to the larger headboard.

Things You'll Need

  • Modification adapter plates
  • Bolts
  • Nuts
  • Screwdriver
  • Wrench
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    • 1

      Set up the double-bed rails according to the manufacturer's instructions. Rest the queen-sized headboard against the wall where the bed will be. Position the bed rails so they are right in front of the headboard.

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      Hold one of the modification plates up to the headboard bracket on one rail. Insert the upper bolt and hand-tighten it with a nut. Keep the plate loosely connected for now. Insert the lower bolt and tighten it loosely with a nut.

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      Hold the headboard up against the modification plate and wiggle the plate so that the headboard bolt holes align with the plate holes. When the alignment works, tighten the nuts on the plates with a wrench to preserve the position. Repeat this process with the plate and headboard on the other rail.

    • 4

      Insert a bolt through one leg of the headboard and the modification plate. Put a washer and nut on the bolt, then tighten it with a wrench. Repeat with the other side of the headboard.