Home Garden

How to Cut Off the Headboard & Footboard From a Twin Bed

Headboards and footboards are decorative elements to a bed that often serve as an anchor for the design of the room. Removal of these elements is sometimes necessary due to damage or a simple desire to redecorate. Because they are decorative and not essential components of your bed, cutting or removing them will not impact the usability of the bed.

Things You'll Need

  • Wrench
  • Screwdriver
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    • 1

      Remove the bedding, mattress and box springs from the bed.

    • 2

      Locate and examine the brackets to determine the size of the wrench and whether you will need a screwdriver to remove the nuts and bolts.

    • 3

      Have a helper hold the headboard and then the footboard in place so that it doesn't fall when the bolts are loosened.

    • 4

      Loosen the nuts with the wrench, holding the bolts in place with a second wrench if necessary. Set the nuts, bolts and any washers aside after removal.

    • 5

      Lift the footboard away from the bed and set aside. Repeat with the headboard.

    • 6

      Store the nuts, bolts and washers together in a plastic baggie for future use. In the event that your specific bed frame requires this hardware, return it to the bed and tighten with the wrench.