Home Garden

How to Make a Queen Size Waterbed Frame With Drawers

Queen size waterbeds are large and comfortable enough for two people. They also, however, take up a large amount of the room in which they are placed. When space is limited, it can be difficult to accommodate both a queen size waterbed and a set of drawers to store clothes or other items. Get around this problem by installing a queen size waterbed frame with drawers, which removes the need for a separate chest of drawers and helps to keep space clear in the bedroom.

Things You'll Need

  • 21 pieces of 2-by-4 timber
  • Circular saw
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Hacksaw
  • 1-inch pilot bearing
  • Router
  • Wood glue
  • Hammer drill
  • Long screws
  • 25 pieces of 1 inch thick, 2 inch wide hardwood
  • 2 pieces of 1 inch thick, 18 inch wide hardwood
  • 2 pieces of 1 inch thick, 60 inch wide hardwood
  • Paintbrush
  • 10 pieces of 1 inch thick, 10 inch wide hardwood
  • 2 drawer handles
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  1. Building the Frame

    • 1

      Cut four two-by-fours to 80 inches long, using the circular saw. Cut four two-by-fours to 60 inches long. Measure a 1-inch by 1-inch square on one 2-inch face of each piece of two-by-four you have cut, at each end, using a pencil and ruler. Cut four pieces of two-by-four to 10 inches long.

    • 2

      Cut the 1-inch by 1-inch square out of each end of the pieces you drew on, using a hacksaw. You should now have eight two-by-fours with 1 inch by 1 inch by 4 inch sections cut out of their ends. Fix the 1-inch pilot bearing to the router. Cut a 1 inch deep groove along the length of one of the cut edges of two 80 inch long pieces.

    • 3

      Arrange the eight pieces with cut ends into two rectangles 60 inches wide by 80 inches long. The cut sections on each piece should interlock to form basic mortice joints. The two 80 inch long pieces with 1 inch grooves should be in the same rectangle with the grooves facing each other. Apply wood glue to the interlocking joints to fasten them together. Reinforce the joints with a hammer drill and countersunk long screws.

    • 4

      Cut one two-by-four to 76 inches long using the circular saw. Cut two two-by-fours to 16 inches long. Glue the ends of the 76 inch long piece. Attach the glued piece into the 60 by 80 inch frame without grooves cut in it so it is positioned 20 inches from the inside edge of the rightmost 80 inch long piece.

    • 5

      Glue the ends of the 16 inch long pieces. Attach the pieces between the 76 inch long piece and the right side of the frame, 15 inches from the 60 inch length ends of the frame. Reinforce the joints between the frame and 10 inch pieces and the frame and the 76 inch piece with countersunk long screws.

    • 6

      Glue the ends of the four 10 inch pieces. Stick the 10 inch long pieces to the corners of the 60-by-80 inch rectangle without grooves cut in it. The 10 inch pieces should stand vertically at the corners. Place the 60-by-80 inch rectangles with grooves cut into it on top of the 10 inch pieces to form the basic bed frame. Reinforce the joints with countersunk long screws.

    • 7

      Cut three two-by-fours 10 inches long. Glue one 2 inch wide side of one piece. Fasten two of the pieces together along the 2 inch wide sides to make an 8 inch wide piece. Glue the ends of the 8 inch wide piece and screw it in the middle of the rightmost 80 inch long side. Glue and screw the remaining 10 inch piece in the middle of the opposite side.

    • 8

      Cut 25 pieces of 1 inch thick and 2 inch wide hardwood to 58 inches long. Place the hardwood pieces into the grooves in the bed frame, leaving a 1 inch gap between each piece. This forms the slats the mattress with rest on. You can either screw the slats into place or leave them loose.

    Attaching the Surround

    • 9

      Cut two pieces of 1 inch thick hardwood to 80 inches long and 18 inches wide using the circular saw. Cut one piece of 1 inch thick hardwood to 60 inches wide and 20 inches long. Cut one piece of 1 inch thick hardwood to 60 inches wide and 30 inches long.

    • 10

      Measure 2 inches along the 80 inch length of one 80-by-18 inch piece. Measure 4 inches up the same piece, to find the starting point. Draw a rectangle 10 inches tall and 34 inches wide on the hardwood using a pencil and ruler. Leave an 8 inch wide gap and draw a second rectangle on the same piece. Drill a starting hole in the bottom-left corner of each rectangle using the hammer drill.

    • 11

      Cut out the rectangles you drew using the hacksaw. Align the hardwood piece with the rectangles cut out with the side of the bed frame that has the 8 inch wide center support. Screw the hardwood to the bed frame using countersunk long screws. Screw the other 80 inch by 16 inch piece to the opposite side of the frame using countersunk long screws.

    • 12

      Choose which side of the bed the drawers will be on; either the left side or the right side. Align yourself with the bed frame so the 80 inch by 18 inch hardwood piece with the holes in it on the side of the bed where the drawers will be. Screw the 60 inch by 20 inch piece to the bottom of the bed frame with countersunk long screws to form the footer.

    • 13

      Screw the remaining piece of 60 inch by 30 inch hardwood to the opposite end of the bed to the footer to form the headboard. The bed frame and surround are now complete and can be painted or varnished using a paintbrush to match the décor of the bedroom where it will be placed.

    Building The Drawers

    • 14

      Cut two pieces of 1 inch thick hardwood 34 inches long and 10 inches wide using a circular saw. Cut two pieces of 1 inch thick hardwood 34 inches long and 9 inches wide. Cut two pieces of 1 inch thick hardwood 34 inches long and 19 inches wide. Cut four pieces of 1 inch thick hardwood 18 inches long and 9 inches wide.

    • 15

      Glue and screw one 18 inch long piece to one end of a 34 inch long by 9 inch wide piece so the two pieces are at right angles. Glue and screw a second 18 inch long piece to the opposite side of the 34 inch long piece to form a “U” shape. Repeat this process to form a second “U” shape.

    • 16

      Glue and screw one 34 inch long by 19 inch wide piece to the bottom of one of the “U” shaped pieces to form a drawer with no front panel. Repeat this process with the second “U” shape and another 34 inch long by 19 inch wide piece. You should now have two 10 inch tall and 34 inch wide drawer pieces.

    • 17

      Screw one drawer handle to the center of one of the 34 inch long faces of the remaining two 34 inch long by 10 inch wide pieces of hardwood. Glue and screw one of the pieces to the front of the first drawer piece so you have a completed drawer. Glue and screw the second piece to the other drawer. Slide the drawers into the bed frame.