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How to Hang a Bed to the Wall to Fold Up

Hanging a bed to the wall so that you can fold it out of sight is a practical way to increase the amount of space in your home. The idea of a fold-up bed is nothing new. It has been popularized by various television shows and movies over the years and has been used in venues such as college dorm rooms as a way to provide additional living space in cramped quarters.

Things You'll Need

  • 2-by-4-inch lumber
  • 3/4-inch plywood
  • 3-inch wood screws
  • Drill
  • 3-inch galvanized steel nails
  • Stud finder
  • Table saw
  • 2-by-8 inch lumber
  • Fold-down bed hinges and hardware
  • Tape measure
  • Miter saw
  • Eye bolts
  • Bungee strap
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    • 1

      Measure the size of the mattress you intend to hang. Measure the length, width and depth of the mattress. A twin or a full-sized bed are your best bet for a project of this type. A queen- or a king-sized bed will likely be too heavy and extend out from the wall too far, putting additional pressure on your wall studs.

    • 2

      Cut 3/4-inch plywood, with a table saw, to dimensions that are slightly larger than the length and width of your bed. Ideally, you should cut the wood 3 inches longer on each of the four sides so that the length the board will be 6 inches longer, and the width 6 inches wider, than the size of the mattress. You may need to use two pieces of plywood to accomplish this task for a full-sized bed. The plywood should then be laid side by side on the floor for construction of the bed frame.

    • 3

      Measure and cut two 2-by-8-inch pieces of lumber the same length as the plywood you just cut. Place these on each edge of the bed, standing on their sides so that the width of the 2-by-8 is now the height of the board. Measure the distance between the 2-by-8s.

    • 4

      Cut two additional 2-by-8-inch rails to serve as the head and foot rail of the bed. These rails should be the same as the measured distance between the two frames pieces that go the length of the bed.

    • 5

      Assemble the four rails in a rectangular pattern on the floor and place the plywood piece on top. Screw them together at the corners with 3-inch galvanized steel wood screws.

    • 6

      Drive 3-inch galvanized steel nails into the perimeter of the plywood every 4 to 6 inches. Additional two-by-four supports may be needed for the full-sized bed with two sheets of plywood. These can be measured and nailed across the width of the bed on the underside of the plywood and 2-by-8 boards.

    • 7

      Purchase two wall-hanging hinges designed for a fold-down bed. These hinges and the wall assembly can usually be purchased as a kit, but you may have to order this kit online unless you have a specialty furniture store in your community.

    • 8

      Locate the studs in the wall that you intend to hang the bed on by using a stud finder. Measure the distance between two studs that will allow you to hang the hinges on both ends of the bed box. Mark the position of the studs with a pencil.

    • 9

      Mark holes the same distance on one side of the bed frame and attach the hinge assembly to the 2-by-8 inch bed rails using the hinge hardware.

    • 10

      Attach the other side of the hinge assembly to the wall at the point where you marked the studs earlier. You may need to have two people assist you with this part by having one stand at each end of the box, holding it up to the desired height. Follow the manufacturer's instructions on how to attach the hinge to the wall.

    • 11

      Measure the distance from the base of the bed box to the floor. Using a miter saw, cut two 4-by-4 inch posts that same length. These will serve as the supporting corner legs for the side of the bed that is away from the wall. Store these away in a nearby closet or cabinet for each access and simply prop them up under the box assembly when you lower the bed.

    • 12

      Attach some eye bolts on the wooden rails near the foot of the bed. Place the mattress in the box and then tie a bungee strap between the eye bolts to hold the mattress in place when it's upright.