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How to Make Wood Windowsills

Wooden windowsills look both decorative and rustic, they and can transform a plain-looking window into one that sets off the entire room. Although you can pay a professional craftsman to install wooden windowsills, your budget may not allow you to hire a professional. One option is to make your own wood windowsills using a few basic tools and supplies purchased inexpensively from any hardware shop or home improvement store. This course of action enables you to enjoy wooden sills without spending a fortune to do so.

Things You'll Need

  • Measuring tape
  • Wooden plank
  • Circular saw
  • Medium-grit sandpaper
  • Nails, 4-inch
  • Hammer
  • Wood caulk
  • Wood stain
  • Sponge brush
  • Polyurethane varnish
  • Paintbrush
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    • 1

      Measure the width and length of the existing windowsill using a measuring tape.

    • 2

      Cut a wooden plank using a circular saw to measure the same measurements as the windowsill.

    • 3

      Sand the wooden plank using medium-grit sandpaper to remove any roughness and to make the wood smooth to the touch, including the edges and corners.

    • 4

      Sand the surface of the windowsill using medium-grit sandpaper to ensure that the sill is even.

    • 5

      Nail the wooden plank in place using 4-inch nails. Cover the nail holes with wood caulk, then allow the caulk to dry for six hours.

    • 6

      Apply an even layer of wood stain onto the plank using a sponge brush. Allow the stain to dry for two to four hours.

    • 7

      Apply an even layer of polyurethane varnish onto the plank using a paintbrush. Allow the varnish to dry for four to six hours.

    • 8

      Squeeze a line of wood caulk along all of the seams of the wooden windowsill, and then run your finger along the seams to smooth down the caulk and create a tight seal. Allow the caulk to dry for six hours.