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Does the Argon Gas Ever Leak Out of Windows?

Window makers place argon gas between the double panes of multiple pane windows. The gas increases the energy efficiency of the window. Leaks can develop and the argon gas sometimes escapes the window. The severity of the leak often depends on the original quality of the window, its age and any damage to the window.

  1. Argon

    • Argon is a colorless and odorless gas that is harmless in small quantities, such as that found in windows. Breathing large quantities of argon, however, can lead to asphyxiation. The gas is inert, meaning it does not react with other chemicals and is lighter than air.

    Argon in the Window

    • Because argon is lighter than air, it is ideal in a window. The lighter the material, the less readily heat moves through the material. This limits the transfer of heat from the outdoors into the home in the summer and the loss of heat from the inside to the outside in the winter.


    • Some leakage of the argon in most windows is normal. Seepage through the rubber seals is one possible explanation for the loss of argon. More catastrophic leaks result when the seals fail. Condensation between the panes of the window indicates the seals have failed and the argon between the windowpanes has been replaced by air. The loss of argon reduces the insulation qualities of the window. Condensation obstructs the view through the window.

    Addressing the Problem

    • Check the warranty. Most window manufacturers cover accumulations of moisture between the windowpanes. Leaking argon in double pane windows cannot be repaired. Replacing the panes is the only option available if a leak develops.