Home Garden

How to Install Interior Siding

Nothing adds a more rustic touch to a home than interior wood siding. Unlike exterior siding that is intended to keep water and dirt from entering the home, interior siding can be used for aesthetic or practical purposes. In fact, no better way exists to keep moths out of your winter clothes than adding ceder siding to closet walls.

Things You'll Need

  • Tape measure
  • Tongue-and-groove cedar siding boards
  • Table saw
  • Stud finder
  • Panel adhesive
  • Nail gun with nails
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    • 1

      Measure the closet walls. Mark tongue-and-groove cedar siding boards the lengths necessary to cover the closet walls. Cut the cedar boards to those lengths with a table saw.

    • 2

      Locate wall studs in the closet walls by using a stud finder. Mark the location of each wall stud with a pencil.

    • 3

      Remove the tongue portion from only the cedar boards that will form the bottom row of siding on the closet wall. Use the table saw to remove each tongue portion.

    • 4

      Lay a cut cedar board so that one of its narrow long sides is against the closet floor and one of its wide long sides is against a closet wall. Verify that the board is level. Mark the wall at the top of the board for referencing.

    • 5

      Place panel adhesive on the back of the board, and press the board into place against the wall where you had it in the previous step. Some adhesives may require letting the glue set for 2 to 3 minutes before pressing the board; follow the adhesive manufacturer's instructions.

    • 6

      Nail the board in place by using a nail gun, positioning the nails into the groove of the board so that the nails are covered by the next board. Space the nails 6 inches apart for optimal hold.

    • 7

      Stack the boards onto the wall until they reach the desired height, placing glue onto the tongue of each board and nailing the grooves into place.

    • 8

      Install cedar boards on the closet's remaining walls in the same manner you installed cedar boards on the first wall.