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How to Lay Out Items on Store Shelves

Retail stores do not place their products haphazardly on shelves. Careful consideration and planning is given to the placement of items both on the shelves and within the store. Human psychology plays an important role in determining how items are placed on store shelves. Properly placed items increase the overall purchases of customers and can double daily receipts.


    • 1

      Set the most sought after items in the rear of the store. This forces shoppers to walk past other items that may be purchased on impulse.

    • 2

      Place impulse items near the cashiers. This includes toys, candy, batteries and small low-cost items that will increase the total purchase.

    • 3

      Place sale and bargain bins in the center of aisles. This encourages impulse purchases as customers go to essential items and back to the cashier.

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      Place advertised sale items near the rear of the store. This requires shoppers to pass regularly priced items to get to the sale.

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      Set out a limited amount of sale items. Surround the sale items with regularly priced accessories or complementary items.

    • 6

      Place more popular brands and more expensive brands at eye level. This encourages purchase of the higher-ticket items.

    • 7

      Group like items or complementary items next to each other. This encourages purchases of accessories and related items.

    • 8

      Set more expensive items near the front of the store. This not only encourages purchase of higher-cost items, but also encourages shoppers to purchase lower-cost items as they finish shopping since they have already selected the higher-cost items first.

    • 9

      Rotate stock regularly to different areas of the store. This encourages shoppers to look around for items they found during previous visits.