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Can You Refinish a Poured Concrete Countertop?

The use of concrete as a countertop material has grown significantly in recent years. It is a highly durable material that can withstand the wear and tear of a kitchen well. When properly treated and cared for, concrete should last for several decades with little trouble. In the event that the countertops chip or crack with age, or else require a style upgrade, there are a number of refinishing techniques from which to choose.
  1. Painting

    • Applying a coat of paint is a fairly simple, inexpensive way to change the look of a concrete countertop. It is essential to fill any cracks prior to beginning the painting process. Hairline cracks are fairly common in concrete and must be patched using an epoxy crack filler and putty knife. Smooth the filler into cracks and allow it plenty of time to dry; specific drying times will vary according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Thoroughly clean the countertop with soap and water to remove grease and surface stains; use a steel bristled brush to rough up the countertop surface. The painting process requires one to two layers of primer, multiple thin layers of latex paint, and two coats of polyurethane. Each coat should be given ample time to dry before a new coat is applied.


    • A concrete overlay will provide a completely new surface for countertops. The process involves adding a thin layer of concrete over the existing countertop using a trowel. This will cover any minor problems, including cracks, chips or existing color. The overlay material can be colored with paint or stain to match décor. Once the layer has had time to dry completely, it must be coated with polyurethane to prevent stains, scratches and other problems. This is an essential step in refurbishing an existing countertop.


    • Concrete stamping is a process that will add texture to the countertop. This is done when the concrete is poured, or as an addition after an overlay. Before the concrete dries, it is pressed with rubber stamps to create the desired look. These stamps can create the look of brick, granite, wood or stone, among other materials--usually at a significantly lower cost. Pigments are added to achieve the specific look that is desired.


    • Concrete countertops are widely used in modern décor because of their diversity. Not only are they paintable, stainable and stampable, but the wet concrete can have different materials added to it to increase sheen and visual interest. Crushed tiles will add a bit of color and shine when added to the freshly poured slab or when mixed in with the overlay material. Crushed shells, glass, stone and a number of other products will serve a similar purpose, and add a custom touch to the finished product.