Home Garden

How to Install a Schrock Wall Oven Cabinet

Schrock manufactures a wide variety of different types of cabinetry. Among the different types of cabinets that Schrock produces is the wall oven cabinet. This type of cabinet is designed to house the oven in homes that do not have a freestanding stove. In most cases, you would install a Schrock wall oven cabinet when you are installing other new cabinets. In some cases, you may simply want to add a wall oven cabinet while keeping the existing cabinetry during a partial remodel. Installing a wall oven cabinet can provide you with additional storage space above and below the oven. Before you do anything, you need to measure the space you have available so that you purchase the proper size cabinet.

Things You'll Need

  • Stud finder
  • Pencil
  • Safety glasses
  • Level
  • Wooden shims
  • Cabinet screws
  • Screw gun
  • Wood trim molding
  • Coping saw
  • Trim nails
  • Hammer
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      Locate the studs in the wall where you will install the Schrock wall oven cabinet using a stud finder. Mark the locations of the studs with a pencil.

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      Set the wall oven cabinet in place where you will install it. Ensure that the cabinet is level. Use wooden shims under the bottom edges of the cabinet as necessary to make it level. If there are any cabinets adjacent to the wall oven cabinet, line them up at the front so that they are even.

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      Install cabinet screws through the back of the cabinet and into the wall using a screw gun. Install screws into the side of the wall oven cabinet to secure it to adjacent cabinets, if any.

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      Install wood trim molding around the base of the cabinet. Cut the strips of molding to size using a coping saw. Secure the trim molding to the floor using trim nails and a hammer.