Home Garden

How to Build Frame for Base Cabinet for Cooktop

Build a stylish and durable cooktop during your kitchen rehab by installing it over a base cabinet supported by a strong frame. While frameless base cabinets are available to support a cooktop, a frame offers several advantages, providing rigidity to the cabinet box that will support the weight of a cooktop. A frame also allows you to customize the look of the base cabinet to match other decor because you can choose materials, finishes and colors without being locked in to stock cabinet programs. A cabinet frame might also connect several cabinets for a clean, unified look.

Things You'll Need

  • Measuring tape
  • Solid wood or plywood, roughly 1-inch thick
  • Jigsaw
  • Supports, such as sawhorses
  • Drill
  • Wood adhesive
  • Wood pocket screws
  • Screwdriver
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    • 1

      Measure the open facing of the base cabinet very carefully. The frame should fit exactly over the cabinet face, with no overlap or gap.

    • 2

      Measure drawers and doors that will fit into the frame. Attach shelving that will support the drawers and hardware in the cabinet. These might slide into pre-drilled slots, or you might have to attach supports to the interior of the cabinet to support them.

    • 3

      Mark the dimensions of drawers and doors on the back of the wood you are using to build the frame.

    • 4

      Place the wood on supports, such as sawhorses, and cut out the shapes of slots for drawers and doors.

    • 5

      Drill leader holes in all corners of the frame where it will meet the cabinet behind it.

    • 6

      Turn the cabinet on its back, so the opening is facing up. Apply wood adhesive to the edges of the cabinet and place the frame over it.

    • 7

      Place weights on the frame and allow the adhesive to dry according to manufacturer's instructions.

    • 8

      Screw wood screws into the leader holes and into the edges of the cabinet walls underneath.

    • 9

      Fill screw holes with plastic wood and allow to dry. Sand to a smooth finish, then paint, stain or otherwise finish your wood frame.