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Can a Steel Countertop Be Installed Over a Laminate?

Steel countertops are less common than other forms, but they provide a long-lasting alternative to laminates. When deciding whether to install them directly on top of a laminate surface, the same rules apply as with any other type of material on top of laminate. As long as the laminate is solidly in place and you follow the proper installation instructions you will have a steel countertop that will last a long time.
  1. Adhesion

    • An important concern with installing any type of new material on top of another is whether or not the adhesive you are using will bond with the older surface. Not all adhesives work with all types of materials, and your manufacturer’s recommended adhesive to use when installing the steel countertop may not bond well with laminate, at least not in its finished format, which is completely smooth and polished.


    • When installing a new material on top of an existing laminate surface, the laminate needs to be completely sanded down and roughed up before installing the new material. This provides the adhesive with an actual surface to bond with, rather than a smooth surface that is difficult for the adhesive to attach to. You can use a belt sander or an angle grinder to cut grooves into the surface of the laminate.

    State of the Laminate

    • Make sure the laminate is securely fastened onto the countertop and in the same condition it was on the day it was installed. If sections of the laminate have begun to loosen or peel away, the entire laminate surface will need to be removed so you can put a solid enough substrate in place to support the steel countertop. If the laminate is in good condition, you can install a new surface on top of it, although it’s not recommended.

    Manufacturer Guidelines

    • The final word always rests with the manufacturer or the installer. This is because warranties have specific guidelines about what is and isn’t an acceptable installation method for a particular type of product or material. Depending on who sells you your steel countertop, there could be recommendations in place that do not allow for laminate to be used as a substrate. In addition, the installer may not be willing to warranty her installation if you refuse to follow the manufacturer's guidelines. Always check first to see if the manufacturer allows for laminate substrates.