Home Garden

How to Install a New Screen on the Porch

A screened porch is a convenient outdoor getaway for barbeques or just for lounging. The screens protect you from insects and keep items on the porch from blowing away while allowing you to enjoy the outdoors. Eventually the screens on a screened porch will wear out or suffer damage. Replacing damaged screens is a rather simple project that requires only a few hours of your time and a few tools.

Things You'll Need

  • Tape measure
  • Work gloves
  • Roll of new screening material
  • Utility knife or scissors
  • Spline
  • Spline roller
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    • 1

      Measure your existing screens to see what dimensions you require for the new, replacement screens. Measure the height and width of each screen to make appropriate cuts from the new roll of screening material.

    • 2

      Remove the existing screen by removing the spline that holds each screen into its frame. The spline is a strip of vinyl or rubber along the inner edges of the screen. To remove the spline, simply pry it out of place with a utility knife. If the spline is in good condition, reserve it to use instead of the new spline.

    • 3

      Remove the screen from the frame once all pieces of the spline are taken out of the interior of the screen frame. Throw away the old screen. If the old screen is made of metal, you may want to wear gloves to prevent cuts to your hands.

    • 4

      Measure a new piece of screen for the frame. Use the measurement of the frame that you obtained in Step 1 and cut pieces of screen that are 2 1/2 inches wider and longer than the frames.

    • 5

      Lay the new screen over the frame. With a utility knife or pair of scissors, cut the corners off the screen pieces. Then use the spline tool to replace the old spine or push the new spline back into the frames so that the overlaps of the screen are trapped between the spline and the frame.

    • 6

      Cut off the excess overhang of the screen material with a utility knife. Continue removing old screens and installing new screens where repairs are necessary.