Home Garden

How to Keep Bugs Out of Your House Without Using Pesticides

Every homeowner desires to keep his home free from unwanted bugs and insects that are not only annoying, but also pose health hazards for everyone living inside the house. Keeping those harmful bugs and pests outside your home without using chemicals is achievable by practicing these tips.

Things You'll Need

  • Knowledge
  • Prevention
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      Patch any openings in your home that may serve as bug's entrance. Check the gaps around doors and windows and make sure they are sealed tightly. Replace or repair torn screens in windows or doors to ward off bugs from coming. Check other openings in your home as well such as around dryer vents, exhaust vents, and around utility openings and make the necessary work to fill these holes.

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      Cover food and beverages. This keeps bugs from being attracted to the scent emitted by uncovered food and drinks. Make sure to put away food items that will not be eaten soon. If there are leftovers, store them in containers with lids and seal them tightly.

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      Avoid displaying overripe fruits in your kitchen counters. Use them at once or dispose them properly. The sweet scent of the fruit attracts fruit flies, ants, bees, and other insects into your home.

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      Make sure to clean up promptly. Food particles lying around as well as beverage spills draw the attention of bugs. Cleaning up the mess right away discourages insects from coming in and stop them form infesting your home.

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      Get rid of stagnant water in your home to keep bugs at bay. Many types of insects like to stay in damp or moist areas. Check any leaking water sources, particularly faucets, drains, under your sinks, areas around water hoses or water tanks and patch any leaks right away.

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      Store pet foods in a sealed container. Do not let them sit out in the open. Certain insects, such as flies, are attracted to them.

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      Keep garbage cans inside and outside your home clean and tightly closed at all times. This prevents odor from leftover foods from spreading out and attracting bugs and insects' sensitive smell. Even the slightest scent from food can lure bugs and insects.

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      Trim back all hedges and trees around your home about a foot or more. Plants and shrubs touching your house can provide a freeway for bugs to enter and encourage infestation.