Home Garden

DIY Wood Stove Radiant

Instead of buying an expensive wood burning stove to heat up you cabin or shop, you can make your own using scrap materials lying around your home. If you enjoy metalwork, you can save a lot of money using radiant heat with wood as your fuel. You can make the stove in less than a day with basic shop tools and a 55-gallon drum.

Things You'll Need

  • 55-gallon drum
  • Plasma cutter
  • Drill
  • Cast iron door hinge
  • Smaller iron hinge
  • Latches
  • Bolts
  • 6-inch diameter stovepipe
  • 2-inch iron pipe
  • Welder
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    • 1

      Obtain a 55-gallon drum. Local dump and scrap yards often have an abundance of these drums. Find one that is not galvanized and has no holes. Light a full fire inside the barrel in a safe place to burn off excess paint and other contaminants that may produce harmful fumes indoors.

    • 2

      Use the plasma cutter to cut openings. Cut a square door in the center of the top of the drum. It should be about a square foot. On any side of the square, cut another flap 2 inches wide and about 2 inches away from the square.

    • 3

      Lay the barrel on its side such that the 2-inch hole is closest to the ground. Trace a hole using the outside 6-inch stovepipe on the top of your stove, about 3 inches from the bottom of the barrel. Cut a hole such that the stovepipe can barely fit through.

    • 4

      Use a welder and weld the stovepipe to your stove such that no holes are present. Your stovepipe should feed upwards to the outside. Weld four legs beneath the stove with 2-inch iron pipe. Use a tape measure and T-square to make sure the legs line up perpendicular to the base of the barrel and equidistant from each other.

    • 5

      Fabricate the feeder door. Use a cast iron hinge and latch. Drill holes for the hinge and latch to bolt the metal door to the barrel. Bolt the door onto the stove and the latch to the door. You will use this door to fuel the fire.

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      Fabricate an air latch. Use a smaller iron hinge and handle and bolt on the 2-inch flap beneath your door. This will control air supply to the fire by how open it is.