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How to Put Vinyl Siding Over T1-11 Siding

T1-11 is natural looking siding made from natural materials. It is a durable product, but susceptible to rot in moist conditions. It must be painted every 10 to 15 years to keep the protection given by the paint. Vinyl siding is made from PVC, polyvinyl chloride, which needs little maintenance after installation. It is a wood look-alike product that is colored when it is made. This long lasting product is easy to care for and does not need any painting.

Things You'll Need

  • Broom
  • Twine
  • Shovel
  • Hammer
  • Staples
  • Electric stapler
  • Tarpaper
  • Knife
  • Nails
  • Starter strip
  • J-channel
  • Carpenter’s level
  • Circular saw
  • Nail hole punch
  • Inside corner posts
  • Outside corner posts
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    • 1

      Clean the T1-11 siding with a strong spray of water from the hose. Use a broom to knock away any pieces of stubborn dirt. Tie back shrubs and tree branches away from the house with twine. Dig up any plants around the base of the house that will interfere with the vinyl siding installation. Remove any window boxes, planters and trim from the walls of the house.

    • 2

      Secure a layer of tarpaper or felt paper over the top of the T1-11 using staples and an electric stapler. Cut the paper with a sharp knife to fit around the doors and windows. This moisture barrier gives the T1-11 an added layer of protection against wetness seeping in under the vinyl and causing rot in the T1-11.

    • 3

      Nail the vinyl starter strip around the bottom of the house over the top of the T1-11. Nail J-channel strips around all the doors and windows. Cut a notch at the corners of the J-channel with a sharp knife to direct rainwater out of the channel.

    • 4

      Place the vinyl panel at the bottom of the T1-11, hooking it into the starter strip. Pull the panel upward to catch the starter strip and drive a nail in the center slot. Keep the nail straight and leave 1/16 of an inch between the nail head and panel. The panel needs to move with the expansion and contraction of the T1-11 siding.

    • 5

      Install more rows of vinyl panels by staggering the ends so the seams do not create a straight line down the side of the house. Overlap the ends by 1 inch and check every other row with a carpenter’s level to keep the paneling straight.

    • 6

      Cut the vinyl panels with a circular saw to make the panels fit the corners of the house. Trim the panels to fit around the doors and windows. Use a nail hole punch to create nail holes in the trimmed panels. Do not just nail through the vinyl since it may cause the siding to rip.

    • 7

      Install the inside corner posts to any inverted corners around the house. Add the outside corner posts around the walls. Return the trim to the walls.