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How to Make a Wooden Soffit

A soffit is an architectural component of a cornice, eave or overhang. These architectural features protrude from where side walls meet the roof structure. The type of component depends on the roof design, such as gable or hip. Many gabled roofs have eaves that extend as much as 36 inches beyond the side walls. The rafter ends have fascia boards attached the entire width. A soffit forms the underside of the eaves.

Things You'll Need

  • Carpenter's level
  • Chalk line
  • Oriented strand boards -- 1/2 inch
  • 2-by-4-inch lumber
  • 1-by-6-inch lumber
  • Paint
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    • 1

      Place the carpenter’s level underneath the end rafter and back to the sheathing. Check the level and place a mark at the top of the level on the sheathing. Repeat these steps for the other end rafter.

    • 2

      Snap a chalk line on these marks. Measure the width of the wall, from end to end. Cut a ledger board of this measurement. Use 2-by4-inch lumber. Make sure the board is straight.

    • 3

      Align the bottom edge of the ledger with the chalk line, and nail it to the sheathing.
      Install lookouts, which are components that provide additional nailing support from the underside of the rafter ends back to the structure. Use 2-by-4 inch stud-grade lumber for the lookouts.

    • 4

      Measure from the rafter end back to the ledger attached to the house. Use this measurement for the length of the lookouts. Count the number of rafters. Cut this number of lookouts out of 2-by-4-inch boards.

    • 5

      Line up the end of the lookout against the side of the rafter and back to the ledger. Straighten the lookout and level it with the ledger. Nail the lookout to the rafter and toenail it to the ledger. To "toenail" means to drive the nail in at an angle. Repeat this step along each rafter. Using a carpenter's level, check the level of each lookout as it is installed.

    • 6

      Install the fascia board along the ends of the rafter and lookouts if they are not already in place. Measure the space between the two end trusses. Cut enough fascia boards to cover this area. Use 1-by-6-inch boards. Make sure the edge of the fascia falls in the center of the rafter when securing it.

    • 7

      Cut the 1/2-inch oriented strand board for the plywood panels, which form the soffit. Follow the local building code's requirement for installing ventilation in the soffit. Ventilation keeps the home cooler during the hot months. It also helps eliminate ice dams during the colder months. Nail the soffit panels in place

    • 8

      Install the ventilation in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and local building codes.

    • 9

      Apply a finish to the soffit and other component, such as paint, aluminum or vinyl. This protects the wood against the elements.