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How to Build a Rock Facing Wall

Interior walls in modern homes are most often made of drywall because it is inexpensive and easy to install. One drawback to drywall, however, is that aside from paint, the wall does not stand out in any way. Converting a drywall-covered wall to a rock facing wall can provide a dramatic new look to the room. A convenient way to do this is to mount precast concrete stones called veneer onto the wall with mortar.

Things You'll Need

  • Cleanser
  • Washed sand
  • Portland cement
  • Water
  • Veneer rocks
  • Masonry brush
  • Trowel
  • Wet saw
  • Safety goggles
  • Ear protection
  • Grout
  • Grout bag
  • Joint tool
  • Concrete sealer
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    • 1

      Clean the wall and the back of the veneer rocks with a mild cleanser. The adhesive works better when the surfaces are clean.

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      Prepare a batch of mortar that contains 2 parts washed sand to 1 part Portland cement. Stir the mortar for about five minutes until it has the consistency of mashed potatoes.

    • 3

      Apply water to the back of the first rock with a masonry brush to prevent the rock from drawing water out of the mortar as it cures. If the mortar dries too quickly, it can crack.

    • 4

      Cover the wall where the rock is being installed and the back of the rock with a 1/2-inch layer of mortar. Start at the bottom of the wall and work toward the ceiling.

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      Place the rock into the mortar on the wall, twisting it slightly as you install it.

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      Continue placing rocks until the wall is finished. Work left to right across the wall, moving up as you complete each row. Cut the rocks with a wet saw to fit around any electrical outlets or other obstructions.

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      Squeeze grout into the joints between the rocks with a grout bag. Run a joint tool over the grout to smooth the surface, and allow the grout to set for the time specified by the manufacturer.

    • 8

      Apply concrete sealer to the surface of the rocks to protect the finish from becoming damaged.