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How to Add Slate to a Porch

Although the allure of installing slate directly over your existing porch may be strong, the requirements for proper tile installation go far beyond simply putting the material on top of something else. You have to take into consideration the underlayment needs and the subfloor requirements for any type of porch that isn’t a concrete slab. However, once you have everything prepped you can install slate tile on top of your existing porch and enjoy a new look and feel that will last for years.

Things You'll Need

  • Safety glasses
  • Circular saw
  • 3/4-inch plywood material
  • Tile cement board underlayment
  • Tape measure
  • Pencil
  • Drill
  • Wood screws
  • Chalk line
  • Framing square
  • Utility knife
  • Bucket
  • 1/8-inch notched trowel
  • Appropriate notched trowel for your slate
  • Drill with paddle
  • Grout float
  • Thinset mortar
  • Grout
  • Tile sponge
  • Tile wet saw
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    • 1

      Install at least two layers of 3/4-inch-thick plywood material to act as a subfloor on top of your existing porch. Screw the first layer down, and install the second layer on top of the first, off-setting the second layer such that it doesn’t line up with the first. Make any necessary cuts with a circular saw.

    • 2

      Put down a layer of underlayment on top of the subfloor. Measure with a tape measure and pencil, and cut the pieces of underlayment to fit. Mix some mortar in a bucket with the drill and paddle. Spread a layer of thinset mortar onto the subfloor with a 1/8-inch notched trowel, and install the pieces of underlayment on top of that. Nail them in with the nail gun every 4 inches.

    • 3

      Measure out from the longest wall the distance of two tiles including a grout joint (or the equivalent of roughly 2 feet). Mark that measurement at both ends of the wall on the floor. Snap a chalk line between those two marks. Measure back the same distance from one of the perpendicular walls where you want to start with full slate tiles. Mark that measurement along the existing chalk line.

    • 4

      Use the framing square to draw a square line perpendicular to the chalk line. Snap a second chalk line across the first, so you have two perpendicular lines. Use the two-tile measurement to snap 2-by-2-foot grids across the entire surface of the porch. Mark the width of two tiles out from your existing chalk line, and snap the line. Repeat the process for all lines.

    • 5

      Mix a new batch of thinset mortar in your bucket with the drill and paddle. Spread a layer of thinset mortar onto the floor into one of your grids with your notched trowel. Set the slate tiles into the thinset. Work your way from grid to grid. Make any cuts needed with the tile wet saw. Allow the installation to set for 24 hours before grouting.

    • 6

      Mix some grout in the bucket. Spread the grout into the joints between the tiles. Wait 20 minutes for the grout to set up. Fill the bucket with water. Use a damp sponge to smooth the joints clean and to wipe excess grout from the face of the slate. Wait at least 72 hours before using the porch.