Home Garden

How to Make Exterior Wall Textures

Though flat walls get the job done, they may not create the appearance that you would like for your home. If you want to enhance the appearance of flat walls by adding ridges or dots, texturing makes this possible. The process to make exterior wall texture is similar to that of making indoor wall texture, but you must be sure to use material that holds up in outdoor conditions, such as wind and rain.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden hose
  • Cleaning brush
  • Masonry bonding primer
  • Paint tray
  • Paint roller
  • Mortar
  • Builder’s sand
  • Bucket
  • Drill with mixer bit
  • Trowel
  • Spray gun and air compressor
  • Paint
  • Paintbrush
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    • 1

      Set a garden hose to its hardest setting. Spray the exterior wall to which you would like to apply texture to remove the dirt and dust from the wall. Scrub areas of dirt that stick to the surface with a hard-bristled cleaning brush.

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      Pour masonry bonding primer into a paint tray once the wall dries. Apply a thin layer of the primer to the surface of the exterior wall with a paint roller and allow the primer to dry for the length of time the manufacturer recommends.

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      Dump mortar mix into a bucket and add sand to the mixture, depending upon the thickness that you want for the mortar. If you would like to create thick, uneven textures on a wall by hand, for instance, use three parts sand to one part mortar to make a thick mixture. If you would like to use a spray gun to create an even texture, use one part sand to one part mortar, or even straight mortar, and mix in the amount of water the packaging recommends to get a thick consistency for hand-spreading or a thin consistency for spraying.

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      Dip a trowel into the thick mortar mixture and apply the mortar in sweeping motions to create large, uneven ridges over the surface of the wall. Fill a spray gun with thin mortar mixture, connect the gun to an air compressor and spray the mortar onto the wall in an even layer to create a uniform texture on the surface of the exterior wall. Paint either type of texture in any color that you want once the mortar dries.