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The Specifications of Maeder Brothers Pellets

Maeder Brothers Quality Wood Pellets are fuel pellets made from sawdust and wood chips that are used for heating homes. Maeder Brothers, a sawmill located in Weidman, Michigan, manufactures and markets these pellets for use in pellet stoves that heat single rooms as well as for central pellet-fueled furnaces that heat entire homes. The United States Department of Energy recommends the use of wood pellets as heating fuel as pellet fuel is both energy efficient and environmentally friendly.
  1. Composition

    • Maeder Brothers wood pellets are manufactured from ash, cherry, maple and oak sawdust and chips. According to the manufacturer, ash provides both flame and heat as it has excellent burning qualities, whereas pleasantly scented cherry burns more slowly as it generates heat. Oak is also a slower burning wood, and maple is known as a reliable source of fuel.


    • Average-sized houses or business premises can be heated with pellets at the rate of 40 lbs. of pellets for 24 hours of heat. Maeder Brothers estimates that the price of its pellets is about half the cost of electricity or fuel oil and less than half the cost of propane heat, based on average national prices for enough fuel to generate one million BTUs of heat.

    Ecological Effects and Convenience

    • Both Maeder Brothers and the U.S. Department of Energy state that wood pellets do not release harmful creosote when they are burned as fuel. Maeder Brothers pellets are also hypoallergenic and insects are not attracted to them. No preparation is needed when using Maeder Brothers pellets; they are ready to use straight out of their packaging bag. The pellets have a low moisture content and are manufactured without any chemical additives.

    Availability and Distribution

    • Maeder Brothers sells its wood pellets to hardware stores, lumberyards and feed stores throughout Michigan. It also delivers directly to customers in the state. They are packaged in distinctive 40-lb. bags that are clearly labeled with the "Maeder Brothers Quality Wood Pellets" brand name.