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How to Remove Driveway Sealer

Removing concrete sealer is never a fun job, but it is often a necessary one. Before a new sealant can be laid down onto your concrete driveway, the previous coat must be taken up. While it is possible to use grinding tools to manually take off the finish, chemical strippers require less labor but produce the same result. Chemical strippers break down the old sealer into a liquid which can then be cleaned from the driveway.

Things You'll Need

  • Chemical stripper
  • Brush
  • Cotton bed sheet
  • Scraper
  • High-pressure washer
  • Soap
  • Water
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      Spread the chemical stripper across the concrete, per the manufacturer's instructions, typically with a long brush or roller. Instead of tackling the entire driveway, work in smaller sections that are easy to manage.

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      Cover the sealer with a damp cotton bed sheet or piece of burlap. Chemical strippers only work when they remain wet and active; covering the surface will stop the stripper from drying up. In addition, some of the stripper and sealer will be pulled up from the driveway when you remove the cloth, helping out with the cleanup.

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      Allow the chemical stripper to sit for the time recommended by the manufacturer. If you purchase products that are more environmentally friendly, expect wait time to be longer. Harsher chemicals will emit more fumes, but break down the sealer much more quickly.

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      Remove the cloth or burlap from the surface. Even though the bed sheet pulls up some of the stripper and sealer, there will still be sludge on the driveway. Use a scraper with a flat blade to scrape the stripper and sealer from the concrete into a bag designed for toxic waste. On textured concrete, use a non-reactive stiff bristled brush to get into the grooves of the surface.

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      Use a high-pressure washer to rinse the surface. Follow up by brushing the surface with soap and water.