Home Garden

How to Change Bifold Closet Doors

Bifold doors allow for full access to a closet area, but the design of the doors lacks appeal to some homeowners. If your bifold doors don't fit into your room's design, changes to the doors give them a custom look without the expense of replacing them completely. As long as the current bifold doors are solid and functional, you are able to modify the appearance with paint, stain or additional decorative components. You can also turn the folding sections into flat doors that swing out instead of sliding.

Things You'll Need

  • Utility knife
  • Circular saw
  • Sand paper
  • Primer
  • Paint
  • Mending plates
  • Screws
  • Drill
  • Knobs
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      Trim off a portion of the bottom of the bifold doors to make the open and close better, particularly if you have carpet that causes the doors to drag. Mark a straight line that you precut with a utility knife for less splintering. Cut the edge off with a circular saw and sand the edge for smoothness.

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      Sand the rest of the bifold door using fine-grain sandpaper. Clean off the dust you create from the sanding. Brush or roll one layer of primer followed by two or three layers of paint to the doors.

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      Remove the top rollers and pivots that keep the bifold doors in their tracks. Unscrew and remove the track along the top edge of the closet door.

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      Swing out the doors so they are straight out now that they are free from the track. Hold 3-inch mending plates up to the joint between the two sections on each door where the door normally folds. Drill pilot holes onto either side of the crack using the holes in the mending plate as a guide.

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      Drive screws into the doors through the mending plate to hold the door open. Add three mending plates along each fold to hold it securely in the straightened position. Repeat the mending plate installation on the other folding section of the door.

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      Attach a knob or cabinet handle to both sides of the door near the middle. This gives you something to hold to pull the doors straight out.