Home Garden

How to Insulate a Vaulted Ceiling

Insulation improves heating and cooling efficiency in a home by creating a barrier that blocks air leaks. Insulation is available as fiberglass batts, loose fill or spray foam. One of the most important considerations when installing insulation is the R-value. The R-value refers to the capacity of insulation to resist heat flow. The higher the R-value, the more insulation the material provides. Recommended R-values differ based on the climate.

Things You'll Need

  • Plywood
  • Utility knife
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      Gain access to the attic space directly above the vaulted ceiling.

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      Place a sheet of plywood across floor joists to allow entry to unfinished areas. Do not walk on unfinished floors because you will fall through the ceiling.

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      Lay insulation between the attic joists with the paper facing down. Begin in the far corners and work your way towards the middle to prevent walking on installed insulation. If you lack adequate working space, rent an insulation blower and blow in loose fill insulation. Place the loose fill insulation in the blower and switch the blower on to spread the insulation.

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      Press the batts into place end to end, firmly butted up to each other until the insulation covers the entire space. Keep the insulation 3 or 4 inches back from the edges to allow air to flow through the eave vents. Cut the insulation to fit into the space as necessary, with a utility knife.