Home Garden

Removal of Popcorn Ceiling Material

What is commonly referred to as a "popcorn" ceiling is a type of sprayed-on acoustic material widely used in homes built in the 1960s and 70s. On the upside, popcorn ceilings had both sound and heat insulation properties, but the ceilings were also prone to flaking, were nearly impossible to clean and, foretelling the end, became associated with a known carcinogen, asbestos. The removal procedure is simple and effective, and leaves a flat, clear ceiling surface. Care should be taken to wear breathing and eye protection, as well as to properly dispose of the ceiling material.

Things You'll Need

  • Stepladder
  • Safety glasses
  • Breathing filter mask
  • Utility knife
  • Painter's masking tape
  • 2-mil vinyl painting tarps
  • Rosin construction paper
  • Garden sprayer
  • 6-inch putty knife
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    • 1

      Protect the room's wall surfaces with lightweight vinyl painting tarps. All of the wall and floor surfaces from the ceiling line downward should be covered. The tarps will also make cleanup easier. Use painter's masking tape to attach the tarping to the walls to minimize risk of surface damage to the wall finish.

    • 2

      Cover the tarp on the floor with a layer of rosin construction paper, overlapped at the edges and taped in place. Rosin paper will absorb some of the moisture generated in the popcorn acoustic removal process.

    • 3

      Spray a broad fan pattern of misted water over the ceiling material with a garden sprayer to soften the acoustic material. The popcorn surface will turn dark gray when it is saturated with water. Work small areas at a time, spraying only the area within a safe arm's reach from your stepladder.

    • 4

      Scrape the softened popcorn material from the ceiling surface using a broad-bladed putty or drywall knife. Allow the separated material to fall and collect on the rosin paper covering the floor.

    • 5

      Repeat Steps 3 and 4 to complete the popcorn removal over the full ceiling area.