Home Garden

How to Finish Carpet

Finishing carpet is a term professional carpet installers use to describe the completion of carpet edges. Professionals often use an edge finisher call a "z bar," which is a metal instrument that closes against the carpet. The z bar looks like a z, with tacks on one end that hold the carpet in place. The top part of the z then closes against the carpet to hold it into place. You can purchase a z bar at a local home supply center or a carpet supply store.

Things You'll Need

  • Hacksaw
  • Hammer
  • Nails, 3/4 inch
  • Z bar
  • Rubber mallet
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    • 1

      Measure the carpet edge with a tape measure to determine the needed length of the z bar. Cut the z bar with a hacksaw if necessary to make it fit into the space.

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      Pull the carpet past the z bar location, allowing for 1 inch of excess carpet to attach into the z bar.

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      Attach the z bar to the subfloor by hammering 3/4-inch nails into the subfloor. Use appropriate nails for your subfloor; nails have separate ratings for concrete and wood.

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      Fold the excess carpet underneath the larger carpet piece. Place the fold carefully into the open z bar.

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      Hammer down the z bar onto the folded carpet with a rubber mallet. Hammer lightly to not over-bend the z bar onto the carpet.