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How to Determine the Age of a Bonanza Dwarf Orange Tree

The Bonanza orange -- also called Skaggs Bonanza -- is a type of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis). First discovered as a sport, or genetic mutation, these oranges are cousins to Washington navel oranges, but ripen a bit earlier and have slightly thinner rinds. Dwarf Bonanza oranges, like all dwarf citrus trees, are not grown from seed but are grafted onto dwarf rootstock, making it difficult to determine the exact age of the tree. For this reason, the age is usually determined by the date of the graft, if known, or by when the tree starts producing flowers and fruit.

Things You'll Need

  • Measuring Tape
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    • 1

      Measure the tree from the bud union to the top of the tree's canopy. This is where the Skaggs Bonanza was grafted, or attached, onto the dwarf rootstock. It appears as a lump on the main trunk of the tree a few inches above the surface of the soil.

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      Estimate the age of the tree according to its measurements. Dwarf citrus trees grow at a moderate rate. This is defined as between 13 to 24 inches per year, according to the Arbor Day Foundation's website. A tree that is 2 feet tall is probably around 2 or 3 years old.

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      Add a year to the Bonanza dwarf tree's estimated age. This is because most dwarf citrus trees are already a year, if not slightly older, by the time they are grafted onto the rootstock.