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When to Prune a Dwarf Holly?

Dwarf hollies are a common sight in residential landscapes, generally grown as foundation plantings or grouped together to provide a compact hedge. Their easy-care nature and interesting foliage make them as attractive as their versatility. Although it's not mandatory to prune a dwarf holly, some gardeners prune them to tree shape or to maintain their rounded form.
  1. Timing

    • To maintain your dwarf holly, prune stragglers -- branches that stick out or up too far -- during the growing season. If you live in an area with mild weather year-round, you can prune your dwarf holly any time. Gardeners in other regions should wait until spring, especially for heavy pruning. Fall pruning won't harm the plant, but it won't fill in until spring's flush of new growth.


    • Although pruning your dwarf holly enhances its appearance and health, pruning may also be stressful for the plant. Smashed or shredded stems generally die back or provide entry to the plant for pests and disease organisms. Make sure that the pruning equipment is sharp and disinfected before using it on your dwarf holly. Bypass pruning shears are best for small growth -- branches that are 3/4-inch in diameter or less. Larger shoots and branches require the use of bypass loppers.


    • Go through and around the dwarf holly and prune away all dead branches, those that appear diseased and without foliage. Cut them back to their points of origin. Cut off all branches that extend further up or out than the majority of the other branches. These can be cut back so that they are in line with the rest. Step away from the dwarf holly periodically, while pruning, to make sure you don't miss any leggy growth and to ascertain that the shrub isn't lopsided. If you're growing the dwarf holly in tree form, remove all lower growth up to 3 feet off the ground.

    Care After Pruning

    • Rake up all of the pruning debris to remove any hiding and breeding spots for pests and fungal pathogens. After pruning is also the ideal time to fertilize your dwarf holly so sprinkle 4-3-4 fertilizer, at the rate listed on the packaging for the size of your holly, rake it into the top of the soil then water to a depth of 6 inches. Spread a fresh layer of mulch around the holly, not allowing it to touch any part of the shrub, and it will be ready for a new season of growth.