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The Care of Tahitian Gardenia in a Container

It's easy to differentiate the Tahitian gardenia from other types: It has a pinwheel-shaped white flower, more akin to the jasmine than the gardenia. Tahitian gardenia (Gardenia taitensis), Tahiti's national flower, requires conditions similar to its homeland to thrive. Although it does well in containers, the gardener needs to mimic, as closely as possible, the conditions in which the plant grows natively. This means warm, humid air and lots of sunshine. Although it's capable of growing to 14 feet in height, pruning the Tahitian gardenia keeps its size manageable for container growing.

Things You'll Need

  • Humidifier
  • Azalea/camellia fertilizer
  • Pruning shears or garden snips
  • Fertilizer with iron (optional)
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      Provide the Tahitian gardenia with southern exposure. If you are growing it indoors, place it in a south-facing window. Outdoors, place the pot on the south side of the property.

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      Keep the Tahitian gardenia in an area that remains warm and humid. In Tahiti, it thrives in an average temperature of 85 degrees Fahrenheit during the day, 70 degrees in the evening and almost 100 percent humidity. Ensure that the temperature doesn't fall below 60 degrees Fahrenheit and add moisture to the air with a humidifier placed near the plant.

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      Water the soil, not the plant, to keep it uniformly moist. Overhead watering sets up the perfect environment for certain fungal pathogens.

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      Fertilize the potted Tahitian gardenia with a food labeled for use on azaleas and camellias. Use the fertilizer at the rate suggested on the label, every other month, from spring through fall.

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      Leach the soil of fertilizer salts once a month. Run water over the soil in the container until it drains from the bottom. Allow it to drain completely and repeat the procedure two to three more times.

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      Prune the Tahitian gardenia after the flowering period, in the fall. Cut the stems back to keep the shrub to the size you desire. Snip off dead and broken shoots to a main stem.

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      Winterize the Tahitian gardenia by allowing the top 2 inches of soil in the pot to go dry before watering. Keep humidity high and keep the plant away from furnaces and heater vents.