Home Garden

How to Grow a Bean Seed in a Cup

All those dried beans in your pantry are seeds, and many of them sprout readily when provided with water. Beans don’t need much to get them going; just water and, a little later, nutrients. Although a cup isn’t big enough for a mature bean plant, it is just the right size and shape to get one started. For certain results, use beans sold as seed from garden suppliers. Using beans from the pantry is less certain, but cheaper and has potential as a simple science experiment.

Things You'll Need

  • Paper towels
  • Spray bottle
  • Potting compost
  • Pencil
  • Large pot with saucer
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    • 1

      Crumple paper towels and put them in the cup.

    • 2

      Spray the towels with water until they are damp.

    • 3

      Place several beans on the towels.

    • 4

      Spray the towels with water daily to keep them moist.

    • 5

      Watch for the beans sprouting. When several have sprouted, choose the one with the biggest root and place to one side. Discard the others or create extra cups or pots for them. Discard the paper towels.

    • 6

      Fill the cup with potting compost and add water until it is slightly damp.

    • 7

      Create an inch-deep hole with a pencil. Place the sprouting bean in the hole with the root facing down. Cover with compost and press lightly.

    • 8

      Add more water to the cup when the compost begins to dry out.

    • 9

      Transfer the bean plant to a large pot or your garden once it outgrows the cup.